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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2021(7), 1

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Published online 2020-09-30

Evaluation of specific integrals by differentiation – part 2

Norbert Kecskés
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic

Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 10–15

One of the most important computational techniques in higher mathematics is differentiation and its counterpart, integration (anti-differentiation). While differentiation is a routine and relatively simple procedure, integration, in general, is a much more involving task. Close (inverse) relationship between differentiation and anti-differentiation (evaluation of indefinite integrals) in some cases reveals the possibility to derive the form of the antiderivative and evaluate this antiderivative by differentiation and subsequent comparison of coefficients. This paper is a sequel to [4] and deals with some other types of elementary functions whose integrals can be evaluated by differentiation.

Keywords: higher mathematics, differentiation, integration, undetermined coefficients
JEL Classification: I20, C20