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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2022(8), 2

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Published online 2023-02-28

Mathematical and statistical methods in the analysis of study results of economy and management students

Radomíra Hornyák Gregáňová, Miriam Pietriková, Norbert Kecskés
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 54–60

The paper presents a comparison of exam results in mathematics and statistics at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Feedback is an important part of the educational process, and its quality can be assessed through the analysis of exam results. The main goal of this paper is to compare the exam pass rates of FEM students studying in all study programs at the bachelor's degree in the subjects of Mathematics IA, Mathematics IB, Statistics IA and Statistics IB in the academic years 2017/18 to 2020/21. We used ANOVA to verify the existence of differences in students' final evaluations. In those cases where we identified a difference in evaluations of subjects in the compared periods, we carried out an analysis by means of the Scheffé's test for Multiple Comparisons. In the monitored years 2017-2021 we confirmed only minimal differences in the grades awarded to students in the subjects Mathematics IA, IB and Statistics IA, IB.

Keywords: Mathematics, Statistics, exams outcomes, average grade, post hoc comparisons
JEL Classification: I21, C12