Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2022(8), 1
Published online 2022-12-31
Trends in the number of foreign students at Slovak universities and Slovak students at foreign universities
Tomáš Pechočiak
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic
Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 1–8
- Just as students from abroad come to Slovakia to study, Slovak students go to study at foreign colleges and universities. In our article we analyze trends in
the number of foreign students studying at Slovak universities and Slovak students leaving mainly for the Czech Republic in 10 years from 2010 to 2019. In Slovakia, but
also in the Czech Republic, we observe a decrease in the total number of students studying at universities. We are also following this trend among Slovaks studying in the
Czech Republic. In contrast, in Slovakia we are seeing an increase in the number of foreign students studying at our colleges and universities. Czechs and Ukrainians study
the most in our country, and the ratio between them has been changing since 2017 in favor of Ukrainian students. The share of Slovak students among all foreign students at
Czech colleges and universities was almost 64% in 2010, in 2019 it is only less than 45%.
- Keywords: trends, Slovak students, foreign students
- JEL Classification: AC02, C11, I210