Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2020(6), 1
Published online 2020-07-08
Evaluation of municipalities’ competence in the building sector in selected regions of the SR: Case Study
Ivana Lichnerová, Eleonóra Marišová
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic
Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 1–9
- The original competence of state authorities - competence in the building order sector, was transferred by Act No. 416/2001 Coll. to
municipalities (effective from 1 January 2003). Each municipality became a building office. The conditions, staffing and range of the state's
participation in the financing of the delegated competence were strictly determined by the legislation in force, the basis of which still applies
today. The aim of the article was to evaluate the performance of building competencies by quantitative and qualitative research methods in
selected regions of the Slovak Republic (SR), using available data from a sample of building offices in Nitra (NR) and Košice (KE) Regions. The
quantitative analysis was applied to joint building offices [JBOs] and single building offices [SBOs]) within the NR and KE Regions, which are an
administrative umbrella of 745 municipalities of the SR. In the analysis, there are data for 2014, 2015 and 2016 (jointly and separately for the NR
and KE regions), examined. We analyzed that the building offices were able to perform 69 902 operations/acts in examined years. The amount
of allocated state transfer for the municipalities (745), depending on the number of inhabitants, was on average 1,114,363.82 EUR (own
processing) per year for the performance of building competence. The number of acts of building offices of the NR and KE Region increased by
15.35 % (in 2016 compared to 2014). The qualitative analysis was carried out through controlled interviews with representatives of 58 JBOs and
SBO s in NR and KE Regions. We identified opinions on the implementation of competence in the field of building order, its financing and
investment activities in territorial districts of selected sample of building offices in NR and KE regions. From the point of view of the top
employees of the building offices, it seems that the financing of this delegated power is financially undersized and investment activities are
- Keywords: transfer of competencies performance of delegated competencies, municipality, Building Code, qualitative and quantitative research
- JEL Classification: D20, D40, M10