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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2019(5), 2

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Published online 2019-12-02

Economics of Facility for seniors in Gabčíkovo

Lukáš Both, Dávid Červený, Filip Valentíni
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 84–92

Current issues of social care include conditions and options of social services in facilities for seniors in the context of financial and economic situation in the Slovak Republic. The main objective of this paper is the analysis of providing social services in the Facility for seniors in Gabčíkovo. First part of the research data were obtained via questionnaire survey as well as from interview with the facility director; second data source was created from internal documents, annual reports and financial statements of the facility. Then we analyzed the development of economic indicators over the last ten years used quantitative methods and descriptive statistics. Based on results of economic analysis and seniors opinions we stated some proposals for improvements of situation in social facilities and in dealing with the lack of places in them.

Keywords: social facility, funding, economic efficiency, level of pensions, structure of resources and costs
JEL Classification: D20, D40, M10