Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2019(5), 1
Published online 2019-10-15
Growing role of CSR activities in the area of human resources management and its evaluation using quantitative methods
Lušňáková Zuzana, Lenčéšová Silvia, Šajbidorová Mária
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic
Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 16–29
- The long-term interest of an enterprise should be to keep employees as long as possible, while at the same time they should
deliver sustainable added value. The main goal of human resources management is to achieve success and competitive
advantage through the strategic provision and deployment of capable and committed employees. The aim of the scientific paper
is to point out the role of CSR activities in human resources management. We analyzed the topic in 331 food companies in
Slovakia. The tool for analyze was the questionnaire based on the 5-degree Likert scale and controlled interviews. Data
processing was performed using statistical program SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1. The statistical relations and correlations
between variables were performed using Cronbach alpha, Spearman's test, Kruskal-Wallis´ test. Based on the results of our
research and the verification of six established research presumptions, we can conclude, that we see important to ensure the
balance between the working and private lives of all employees, not only managers, as well as provide the suitable space for
their mental hygiene. The companies should deal with different opportunities within corporate philanthropy, which are closely
related to the help and protection of various disadvantaged employees. It is also necessary to protect the intellectual property of
employees and respect their rights and freedoms and systematically combat bureaucracy and corruption.
- Keywords: human resources management, corporate social responsibility, employee, food companies
- JEL Classification: M12, M14