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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2016(2), 2

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Received 2016-11-11 ǀ Accepted 2016-12-16 ǀ Published online 2016-10-30

Evaluation of consumers purchase behavior by means of mathematical and statistical methods

Dana Országhová, Dagmar Kozelová, Peter Chládok
Slovak university of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 75–81

The objective of this paper was the identification and evaluation of the purchase preferences of the Slovak consumers of small fruits and berries. The evaluation of the consumers’ purchase behavior was carried out by methods of mathematical statistics. Data collection for the identification of main preferences in the purchase and consumption of small fruits was conducted by the questionnaire survey. We applied methods of statistical hypotheses testing and finding out dependencies between the determined characters. The existence of a statistically significant relationship was verified by χ2-test. Calculations were performed by tools of MS Excel, 2013. The statistical hypotheses testing showed that in the process of the purchase of small fruits there is no statistically significant relationship between the gender of respondents and the country of origin of fruits. Similarly, we found out that there is no statistically significant relationship between the respondent's age and the country of origin of small fruits.

Keywords: statistical dependence, χ2-test, questionnaire survey, purchase behavior, small fruits
JEL Classification: K45, M10, M65