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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2016(2), 2

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Received 2016-10-28 ǀ Accepted 2016-12-15 ǀ Published online 2016-12-21

Application of linear programming

Alexandra Filová, Veronika Hrdá
Slovak university of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 68–74

Object of the interest of the given paper is the area of linear programming and its application in economic practice. It is possible to find basic characteristics, definitions, possibilities of records as well as description of selected task solution of linear programming in the paper. The authors focused on solution of a certain issue and therefore showed overall approach within solution of this kind of issues we come across each day in economic practice. The main goal of the paper is application of steps and algorithms focused on solution of issues connected with minimalization of costs created within purchase of materials used in a production company.

Keywords: linear programming, nutrition issue, graphical solution
JEL Classification: C610, A20