Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2015(1), 2
Received 2014-11-17 ǀ Accepted 2015-02-06 ǀ Published online 2015-11-16
Dušan Páleš, Jozef Rédl
Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic
Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 49–55
- Description of the Bezier curve is presented. We explain in detail creation of the calculation algorithm together with the resulting program.
It also includes drawing of the base functions of the Bernstein polynomials. Firstly, the procedure is applied to the theoretical example given by ten control points
in a plane which approximate the Bezier curve. Secondly, the application in which we have given 138 points of trajectory of real vehicle. Points are located in space and we
use them again for approximation of the smooth Bezier curve.
- Keywords: Bezier curve, Bernstein polynomial, curve fitting
- JEL Classification: N55, M55