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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2023(9), 2

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Published online 2024-09-10

Didactic notes on solving probability tasks using MS Excel tools

Dana Országhová
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia

Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 92–101

The goal of mathematics education of future economists is the acquiring skills and mastering logical procedures, which will ensure the correspondence of professional qualities with the requirements for expertise of graduates. The demands for creative and systematic thinking, independent and innovative proposals in solving practical problems are coming to the fore. The aim of this contribution is to present options of MS Excel tools in the teaching and active study of the thematic unit of probability theory. Mathematical methods and formulas with sequences and repeated types of calculations, can be presented to students through program tools of MS Excel. The paper contains examples of the usage of Excel built-in functions to calculate problems from classical probability, which can be applied for development of students' logical thinking via solving tasks. The application of MS Excel tools in calculations belongs to the educational process, while it is the effective component for the improvement of students' knowledge, presentation of logical procedures and mathematical principles of solving tasks.

Keywords: mathematical problems, combination number, classical definition of probability, MS Excel
JEL Classification: I20, I23