Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2023(9), 2
Published online 2024-09-10
Self-sufficiency rate in the pork sector in Slovakia
Jozef Gálik, Ján Pokrivčák, Marián Tóth
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 62–70
- The paper deals with the production and food self-sufficiency. We evaluate the level of production and food self-sufficiency of the Slovak Republic in the pork sector in relation to the
common market of the European Union in the period 2017-2022. We quantify and compare the levels of self-sufficiency of the Slovak Republic with the EU in the pork sector. To determine
the self-sufficiency rates, two methodological approaches were used, based on balance indicators and on the production of the processing industry. The results confirm the low degree of
self-sufficiency of the Slovak Republic in pork meat, while the European Union has a surplus in this sector. The paper confirms the significant specialization and concentration of pork meat
production in some EU member countries.
- Keywords: production self-sufficiency, food self-sufficiency, pork
- JEL Classification: C00, Q02, Q11, Q17