Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2023(9), 1
Published online 2023-11-13
Overview of the last decade of development of the international trade with cocoa and cocoa beans
Roman Serenčéš, Ivan Holúbek, Zuzana Strápeková, Kristína Čičútová
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
Article Fulltext (PDF), pp. 41–50
- The aim of the contribution is to characterize the development and state of the international trade with cocoa and cocoa beans and the competitiveness indicator.
An indicator of revealed comparative advantages RCA was used. Among the world's largest exporters, Germany dominates with the highest export value in 2022, specifically,
6.42 trillion US dollars. Among the importers, the USA dominates with the highest import value of cocoa and cocoa beans in 2021, specifically, 5.7 trillion US dollars.
Based on the available statistics, we identify the ten largest importers and exporters of cocoa and cocoa beans in the world. The development of the international trade in
cocoa and cocoa beans over the last decade is described. We specify the international trade indicators of selected world importers and exporters of cocoa and cocoa beans.
- Keywords: RCA index, import, export, cocoa and cocoa beans
- JEL Classification: F00, F10, F20, F40, Q17