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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2022(8), 1


MERAA, 2022, vol. 8, no. 1

Tomáš Pechočiak
Trends in the number of foreign students at Slovak universities and Slovak students at foreign universities
1 –8

Vladimír Matušek
Statistical indicators of unemployment in the Slovak Republic
9 –15

Norbert Kecskés
Evaluation of specific integrals by differentiation – part 3
16 –23

Szilvia Homolya, Erika Rozgonyi
The results of the university competence measurement in mathematics in the view of the tasks
24 –32

Radovan Potůček
The sum of the series of reciprocals of the cubic polynomials with one zero and two different positive integer roots
33 –43

Dana Országhová, Alexandra Ferenczi Vaňová, Renáta Krajčírová, Pavel Fľak
Quantitative comparison of the amount of produced waste in selected Slovak municipalities: a case study
44 –53