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Mathematics in Education, Research and Applications (MERAA), 2019(5), 1


MERAA, 2019, vol. 5, no. 1 ::

Dušan Páleš, Milada Balková
Nonparametric distribution of the daylight factor
1 –8

Radovan Potůček
The sum of the series of reciprocals of the cubic polynomials with one zero and double non-zero integer root
9 –15

Lušňáková Zuzana, Lenčéšová Silvia, Šajbidorová Mária
Growing role of CSR activities in the area of human resources management and its evaluation using quantitative methods
16 –29

Jozef Rédl
Differentiating under integral sign in Castigliano’s theorem
30 –37

Radomíra Hornyák Gregáňová, Miriam Pietriková, Norbert Kecskés
Decision-making of students for their professional career in financial and insurance practice
38 –42

Dávid Červený, Zuzana Bajusová, Lukáš Both, Jana Ladvenicová
Economic aspects of consumers’ preferences when buying milk and selected dairy products
43 –52